School Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 2:25 p.m.
Good Attendance: A running average of 90% is crucial.
Good Attendance: A running average of 90% is crucial.
Chronic Late Arrivals/Early Dismissal: If you consistently bring your student to school late (after 8:05), pick your student up early (before 2:25 p.m.), or the student is frequently absent, it affects your child’s learning experience and attendance percentage.
Process for Chronic Lateness:
1. First Time: Supportive verbal reminder of school hours.
2. Second Time: Supportive written reminder of school hours.
3. Third Time: Meeting scheduled with the Principal and Family School Liaison to support you, recommend you enroll your child in LINC, or assist you with setting up a bus route.
4. Fourth Time: The principal will request parents or guardians show proof of residency.
Dismissal Release Authorization: We will not release your child to anyone not listed on the authorization form without prior authorization from a parent or legal guardian. Authorization information can be updated anytime in the front office. All authorized people must present a photo ID and be at least 16 years of age.
Late Student Pick-Up: School ends promptly at 2:25 p.m. If running 5-10 minutes late, contact the front office at 816-316-8500. The office closes at 2:45 p.m. daily.
Safe Driving in the School Parking Lot:
1. Be respectful, courteous, and patient.
2. Do not go around a car or bus. Wait in line.
3. Drive carefully and slowly. Be cautious of students, parents, and staff.
Bus Information
HMC-1 provides door-to-door service for all pre-k students, except those living in a cul-de-sac, apartment complex with a parking lot, or daycare with a parking lot. Parents must meet the bus on the main street. All students must remain seated in the seatbelts/harness to and from school. Contact First Student Bus Company at 816-315-0888 for bus times or other concerns.
Late Student Pick-Up: If no adult is present, the driver will return the student back to school. The school office closes at 2:45 p.m. Students who return to school three times are deemed “undeliverable” and may face suspension from bus services.
Maintaining Current Information
Notify the front office or your child’s teacher anytime you have a change in address, phone number, or email address. Current contact information is essential, including emergency contacts.